Enrollment Meetings
The Planning Process

Enrollment Meetings

The Planning Process
This Involves
- Booking travel and hotel accommodations along with any catering requirements
- Mapping destinations between meetings to maximize time efficiency.
- Role playing and timing the presentation to allow for questions and form completions.
- And most Importantly, learning the material being presented
The Presentation

The Meeting Begins
We can record either by video or audio the meeting to distribute afterwards either by webinars or through other electronic channels. This step is optional, but the preparation process is crucial to provide this service.
The enroller then introduces him or herself and with the organizer’s permission will update the meeting members on changes within the industry. Usually, a brief overview of any carrier and regulatory changes are presented during this time.
The materials are then administered, and the coverage explained.
We have found that real life examples assist in the explanation process so when needed, the enrollers usually have examples to illustrate important points. Don’t worry, names are never disclosed so HIPAA compliance is maintained.
The Meeting Begins

We can record either by video or audio the meeting to distribute afterwards either by webinars or through other electronic channels. This step is optional, but the preparation process is crucial to provide this service.
The enroller then introduces him or herself and with the organizer’s permission will update the meeting members on changes within the industry. Usually, a brief overview of any carrier and regulatory changes are presented during this time.
The materials are then administered, and the coverage explained.
We have found that real life examples assist in the explanation process so when needed, the enrollers usually have examples to illustrate important points. Don’t worry, names are never disclosed so HIPAA compliance is maintained.
The Q & A Session
Probably the most important part of the meeting is the feedback given at the end. This is the time that the meeting organizers and the decision makers learn the most about the needs of the members.
If made available, our enrollers take detailed notes on the general and specific needs and concerns of the meeting attendees. Again, we pay close attention to the privacy laws so we don’t discuss any specific medical questions during the group presentation. We defer these questions to be addressed privately or refer them to an authorized carrier representative. And only those questions related to the coverage being presented will be answered as we make no warranties provide claims acceptance or eligibility.
The Form Completion Process
Often, the meeting attendees have questions or need assistance with the enrollment forms. Sometimes, the attendees prefer to bring the enrollment material home. Either way, we ordinarily review the various enrollment material and forms and if time allows will assist the attendees with any issues, they may have completed the forms. We will then direct them to forward the forms to the appropriate parties. This process can be held in tandem with the questions and answers session.